A través de una nueva filtración, se ha podido conocer una posible lista de juegos que podrán llegar en algún momento para la eShop de Nintendo.

El abanico de juegos es largo, y abarcan desde título de Nintendo 64, pasando por títulos de Wii e incluso Game Cube. Es curioso, y cabe destacar, que uno de los juegos que aparecen en esta lista es Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, un tema del que os hablamos ayer mismo. En este sentido también destacan otros juegos rumoreados como Metroid: Other M.
Consola Virtual Wii U
- 1080* Snowboarding (N64) [JP]
- Adventures of Bayou Billy, The (NES) [JP]
- Bishoujo Janshi Suchie-Pai (SNES) [JP]
- Chu Chu Rocket! (GBA) [JP]
- City Connection (NES) [JP]
- Contra Advance: The Alien Wars EX (GBA) [JP]
- Darius Twin (SNES) [JP]
- Dig Dug 2 (NES) [EU]
- Dig Dug 2 (NES) [JP]
- Drill Dozer (GBA) [JP]
- F-Zero Climax (GBA) [JP]
- Field Combat (NES) [JP]
- Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (NDS) [JP]
- Formation Z (NES) [JP]
- Front Line (NES) [JP]
- Game & Watch Gallery 4 (GBA) [JP]
- Ganbare Goemon Gaiden: The Mystical Pipe Which Disappeared (SNES) [JP]
- Hogan's Alley (NES) [EU]
- Hogan's Alley (NES) [JP]
- Ignition Factor, The (SNES) [JP]
- International Track & Field 2 (MSX) [JP]
- King's Knight (NES) [JP]
- Kirby: Canvas Curse (NDS) [JP]
- Kirby: Mass Attack (NDS) [JP]
- Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament (GBA) [JP]
- Kururin Paradise (GBA) [JP]
- Konami Krazy Racers (GBA) [JP]
- Legend of the River King 3 & 4 (GBA) [JP]
- Legend of the River King 5 (GBA) [JP]
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The (N64) [JP]
- Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, The (NDS) [JP]
- Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, The (NDS) [JP]
- Legendary Starfi 2 (GBA) [JP]
- Legendary Starfi 3 (GBA) [JP]
- Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis (SNES) [JP]
- Mario Kart 64 (N64) [JP]
- Mario Party Advance (GBA) [JP]
- Mario Tennis (N64) [JP]
- Mario Vs Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (NDS) [JP]
- Medabots: Metabee Version (GBA) [JP]
- Medabots: Rokusho Version (GBA) [JP]
- Medabots Navi: Kabuto Version (GBA) [JP]
- Medabots Navi: Kuwagata Version (GBA) [JP]
- Mega Man Battle Network 4.5: Real Operation (NDS) [JP]
- Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar (GBA) [JP]
- Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar (GBA) [JP]
- Metal Slader Glory: Director's Cut (SNES) [JP]
- Metro Cross (NES) [JP]
- Moeri Twinbee: Rescue Dr. Cinnamon! (NES) [JP]
- Onimusha Tactics (GBA) [JP]
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (GBA)(NDS) [JP]
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All (GBA)(NDS) [JP]
- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (NDS) [JP]
- Pokémon Ranger (NDS) [JP]
- Polarium Advance (GBA) [JP]
- Power Instinct (SNES) [JP]
- Sennen Kazoku (GBA) [JP]
- Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon (GBA) [JP]
- Shining Soul (GBA) [JP]
- Shining Soul II (GBA) [JP]
- Sin & Punishment (N64) [JP]
- Sonic Advance 2 (GBA) [JP]
- Sonic Advance 3 (GBA) [JP]
- Space Invaders: The Original Game (SNES) [JP]
- Star Fox 64 (N64) [JP]
- Star Fox Command (NDS) [JP]
- Star Luster (NES) [JP]
- Super Mario 64 DS (NDS) [JP]
- Super Mario All-Stars (SNES) [JP]
- Treasure of the Rudras (SNES) [JP]
- Tsukikomori (SNES) [JP]
- Wagan Land 2 (NES) [JP]Wild Gunman (NES) [EU]
- Wild Gunman (NES) [JP]
- Wrecking Crew '98 (SNES) [JP]
- Yoshi: Touch & Go! (NDS) [JP]
Wii para Wii U
- Kiki Trick [JP]
- Kirby's Epic Yarn [JP]
- Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, The [JP]
- Mario Strikers Charged Football [JP]
- Mario Super Sluggers [JP]
- Metroid: Other M [JP]
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii [EU]
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii [JP]
- Poképark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure [JP]
- Super Paper Mario [JP]
- Wario Land: Shake It [JP]
- Xenoblade Chronicles [JP]
Wii U
- Kamen Rider Summon Ride! [EU]
- Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, The [JP]