Esta es la lista completa con todos los logros de Gears 5
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Esta es la lista completa con todos los logros de Gears 5

El juego de Microsoft se pondrá a la venta el próximo 10 de octubre

Portada de Gears 5
  • Plataformas: Xbox One PC
  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 10/09/2019
  • Desarrollador: The Coalition
  • Género: Shooter
  • Multijugador:

Aunque todavía faltan dos meses para el lanzamiento de Gears 5 desde The Coalition han hecho muy bien los deberes y hace tan solo unos días anunciaron que el juego había dado por concluida su fase de desarrollo. El juego seguirá mostrándose de aquí al lanzamiento, pues hoy además de dejarnos con el listado completo de logros que podremos obtener, han anunciado la agenda completa del juego respecto a Gamescom.

El lunes 19 de agosto a las 17:00 CEST, durante el Inside Xbox que se celebrará en el marco de la Gamescom, se revelará el renovado modo Horda y un poco más tarde, a las 20:00 CEST, se mostrará un tráiler de la Campaña en el gamescom: Opening Night Live.

gears 5 hero art

Gears 5: Se acerca el reto más importante de Xbox One

Llega la recta final de la vida útil de las consolas de octava generación; una generación que ha pasado volando, pues en estos momentos estamos casi todos pensando ya en las sucesoras de las nuevas consolas que serán presentadas,...

Volviendo a los logros, a continuación podéis consultar el listado completo, el cual incluye un total de 71 logros repartidos entre el modo historia, el modo horda, el online y el modo versus. Gears 5 se lanzará el 10 de septiembre para Xbox One, PC y Xbox Game Pass. Aquellos que dispongan de Xbox Game Pass Ultimate o Gears 5 Ultimate Edition, podrán tener un acceso temprano al juego a partir del 6 de septiembre.

Logros de la campaña

Nombre Descripción Gamerscore
My Body Is Ready Complete Boot Camp 5
It Takes Three To Make A Thing Go Right Complete an Act of Campaign in 3 player co-op 10
Jack of One Trade Complete an Act of the Campaign as playable Jack (any difficulty) 5
I Was Born In A Crossfire Hurricane Use Jack’s Flash ability to stun 3 enemies at once in Campaign 10
Back Atcha Get a kill with ricochet bullets using Jack’s Barrier Ability 10
Back On Your Feet, Soldier Use Jack’s Stim upgraded ability to revive a DBNO friendly in Campaign 10
Shock and Awe Use Jack’s Shock Trap ability to shock 6 enemies at once in Campaign 10
Seraninja Use Jack’s Cloak ability to cloak and execute 3 enemies before de-cloaking in Campaign 10
An Enemy Among Us Get a kill with a Hijacked Pouncer, Warden, Stump and Elite Hunter in Campaign 15
Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie Use Jack’s Fetch ability to acquire each Heavy Weapon in Campaign 10
Jack of All Trades Acquire all of Jack’s Ultimate upgrades in Campaign 25
JACKed Up! Fully upgrade Jack’s Abilities and Passives in Campaign 25
Relic Hunter Equip 3 Relic Weapons at one time in Campaign 10
Relics of the Past Kill an enemy with every Relic Weapon in Campaign 20
Not There To Buy A Timeshare Unlock during Act 1 of the Campaign 10
And… He’s All Yours Unlock during Act 1 of the Campaign 10
Now I Gotta Get Up Again Unlock during Act 1 of the Campaign 10
A Mouthful of Boom Unlock during Act 1 of the Campaign 10
It’s Time We Fight Them Together Unlock during Act 2 of the Campaign 10
Jameson Shipping Depot Unlock during Act 2 of the Campaign 10
That Old COG Technology Unlock during Act 2 of the Campaign 10
Let’s Get You Some Answers Unlock during Act 2 of the Campaign 10
We Need The Old Plan Unlock during Act 2 of the Campaign 10
Safe and Sound Unlock during Act 3 of the Campaign 10
Cutting It Close Unlock during Act 3 of the Campaign 10
Throw A Switch, See What Happens Unlock during Act 3 of the Campaign 10
Let’s Keep Pissin It Off! Unlock during Act 3 of the Campaign 10
Then We Watch Each Other’s Backs Unlock during Act 4 of the Campaign 10
You Know I Ain’t Going Out Like That Unlock during Act 4 of the Campaign 10
Discovered the True Threat To Sera Complete all Acts of the Campaign (Any Difficulty) 20
All Aboard The Crazy Train! Complete all Acts of the Campaign on Insane 25
It’s Not Hoarding If Your Stuff Is Cool Collect all Campaign Collectibles 15
Pennies from Heaven Scavenge supplies from all fallen Condors in Act 2 and 3 10


Logros del editor de mapas

Name Description Gamerscore
Pass The Soap Pass through a refuge shower with 3 Hivebusters in the same shower cubicle 5
Master Of My Domain Complete an Escape Hive on each difficulty 25
Who You Gonna Call? Hivebusters! Complete 5 Escape Hives as each one of Mac, Lahni and Keegan 10
The Three Musketeers Inflict 9000 damage in Escape while 3 Ultimate Abilities are active 15
On The Razor’s Edge Get 100 kills while inside Hivebuster Venom 10
Brought A Knife To A Gun Fight Complete an Escape Hive without firing a shot on Master Difficulty 25
Who’s Your Escape Main? Reach Character Level 15 with a launch Escape Character 10
Master Escape Artist Reach Character Level 15 with Mac, Lahni and Keegan 20
I Made It All By Myself Create and publish an Escape Hive 10
Homegrown Hive Complete a Featured community build Escape Hive 10


Logros del modo horda

Name Description Gamerscore
Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Beat 50 Consecutive Waves of Horde (any difficulty) 25
Who’s Your Horde Main? Reach Character Level 15 with a launch Horde Character 10
Compulsive Horder Reach Character Level 15 with Kait, JD, Del, Marcus, Fahz and Jack 20
And I’ll Form The Head! Kill a Boss in Horde while all 5 players have active Ultimate Abilities 10
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle As Jack, convert one of each weapon to Power using the Forge in Horde 20
Withdrawal Symptoms As a team, collect Power from all 4 Power Taps within one wave of Horde 20
Perky’s Revenge Get a kill with 3 Perks active in Horde 10


Logros del modo versus

Name Description Gamerscore
Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship Play a match of Arcade 5
One Sec, I’ll Be Right Back Switch characters in an Arcade match and kill an opponent who previously killed you 10
Where’s My Product Endorsement Deal? Win 5 matches of Arcade 10
My Place In The Machine Complete placement matches for a Ranked Playlist 5
Grind Season Win a Ranked Match in each week of a Ranked Season 25


Progreso y otros logros

Name Description Gamerscore
Sire, Interrupted Kill a Sire while it’s kidnapping a teammate (any mode) 5
A Good Plan, Violently Executed Execute 100 Rejects (any mode) 15
You’ve Got A Friend In Me Make a new Ally in Gears Allies 5
Did We Just Become Best Friends? Reach Level 5 with an ally in Gears Allies 10
BFFs Complete a Versus match with a team of four Level 5 Gears Allies 15
Once More From The Top Re-Up! 20
One, Two, Three Sorties Complete all 3 Objectives for Tour of Duty in a day 5
Corporal Punishment Reach the rank of Corporal in a Tour of Duty 10
Sergeant at Arms Reach the rank of Sergeant in a Tour of Duty 15
LOOTenant Reach the rank of Lieutenant in a Tour of Duty 20
I’m The Captain Now Reach the rank of Captain in a Tour of Duty 25
Generally Awesome Reach the rank of General in a Tour of Duty 50
Seriously 5.0 – Chapter 1 Complete Insane Campaign, Master Horde & Escape Launch Maps & Characters, Get 20 Re-Ups and reach General in a Tour of Duty 100

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Fundé Areajugones desde un garaje. Hoy seguimos en ese garaje, pero por suerte me acompaña más gente en esta aventura.


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La expansión Hivebusters de Gears 5 ya se encuentra disponible

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Hivebusters, el nuevo DLC de Gears 5, presenta su fecha de lanzamiento con un tráiler

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Gears 5 nos presenta el gran contenido multijugador de la Operación 5 con un nuevo tráiler

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Gears 5 en Xbox Series X: 4K dinámico y 60FPS, 120FPS en multijugador y más mejoras confirmadas

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Gears 5 coloca fecha a la nueva expansión para su campaña; se llamará Hivebusters

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